Invisalign for Open Bite

Is Invisalign for Open Bite the Right Option for You?An open bite occurs when the front upper and lower teeth are misaligned, leaving a gap between them. Dentists used to treat this condition with metal braces. Invisalign, on the other hand, is a less invasive and more relaxed treatment choice. Here’s some information on this […]
Invisalign for Gaps

Is Invisalign for Gaps the Right Option for You?Gapped teeth are a form of dental problem in which there is extra space between two or more teeth. Diastema is another name for this disease. If not handled promptly, it can cause pockets between your teeth, which can trap food. It can also cause sore and […]
Invisalign for Crowded Teeth

Crowded teeth are an alignment issue that can lead to oral health issues. When teeth are misaligned, they are unable to perform their functions effectively. Fortunately, Invisalign is a highly effective treatment for crowded front teeth. Your teeth can be realigned without the use of obtrusive metal braces. Learn more about the symptoms, causes, and […]
Invisalign for Cross-bite

Cross-bite Invisalign – Is it Right for You?A cross-bite occurs when the upper and lower jaws are misaligned. A cross-bite can cause pain and discomfort in the short term, but it can also lead to more severe dental problems in the long run. Traditional metal braces were once the only option for treating a cross-bite. […]