Surrey Braces - Invisalign for Crowded Teeth
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Surrey Braces

Invisalign for Crowded Teeth

Crowded teeth are an alignment issue that can lead to oral health issues. When teeth are misaligned, they are unable to perform their functions effectively. Fortunately, Invisalign is a highly effective treatment for crowded front teeth. Your teeth can be realigned without the use of obtrusive metal braces. Learn more about the symptoms, causes, and treatment of teeth misalignment.

What are symptoms of tooth crowding?
Crowded teeth can cause mild to severe symptoms. Symptoms to look out for include:

  • The upper and lower teeth are misaligned.
  • A change in facial appearance
  • Biting the tongue or the insides of the cheeks
  • When biting or chewing, there is a lot of pain
  • Speech disorders that are noticeable, such as a lisp
  • Having trouble breathing

Why should crowded teeth be corrected?
Misaligned teeth must be corrected since they can:

  • Make it difficult to chew properly
  • Make you feel self-conscious about your appearance, which lowers your self-esteem
  • Increase the chance of a broken tooth by putting the jaws, skin, and mouth muscles under stress
  • Make brushing your teeth more difficult
  • Gingivitis, cavities, and tooth decay are more likely to occur

Is Invisalign a good choice for crowded teeth?
Yes, Invisalign can help to straighten and correct crowded teeth. This dental technology helps patients with crowded teeth by correcting their teeth spacing issues. If you meet the following criteria, Invisalign would be an excellent care option for you:

  • Overbite, cross-bite, gapped teeth, and crowded teeth are among the dental problems. Additional dental care may be needed if your teeth are severely misaligned.
  • You want a treatment that is subtle and unobtrusive. Teens and adults alike benefit from Invisalign. These alternatives to conventional metal braces are removable, convenient, and less obtrusive.
  • The transparent braces can be worn at any time during the day. You must wear Invisalign braces for a minimum of 22 hours per day for the medication to be completely successful. You can remove them while eating or brushing your teeth.
  • The Invisalign technique corrects overcrowding by progressively moving the teeth into proper alignment. After each set of aligners is fixed, it raises each tooth by a quarter of a millimetre. As teeth change, more room is created in the mouth, reducing overcrowding. The teeth will finally move back into their proper positions.

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