Surrey Braces- Invisalign for Open Bite
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Surrey Braces

Invisalign for Open Bite

Is Invisalign for Open Bite the Right Option for You?
An open bite occurs when the front upper and lower teeth are misaligned, leaving a gap between them. Dentists used to treat this condition with metal braces. Invisalign, on the other hand, is a less invasive and more relaxed treatment choice. Here’s some information on this dental problem and how Invisalign can correct your open bite without the use of braces or dental surgery.

What Is an Open Bite, and What Does It Mean?
Malocclusion is characterized by an open bite. Malocclusion is a dental term that refers to misaligned teeth. You have an open bite if your lower and upper front teeth do not meet when you close your mouth. When you smile, the distance between your teeth will make you feel self-conscious.

What Are the Benefits of Closing an Open Bite?
While an open bite does not cause immediate pain, it should be repaired as soon as possible because it may cause emotional and physical problems. This will assist you in avoiding other potential issues, such as:

  • Sleep deprivation
  • Inability to properly bite or chew food
  • Low self-confidence
  • Impediments to expression.

Is Invisalign Effective for Open Bite?
Yes, Invisalign will help you close a gap in your teeth. Although open bites are not always easy to fix, your teeth will be thoroughly examined when you visit our Invisalign expert. Then you’ll understand how Invisalign will help you close your open bite. We’ll take a 3D impression of your teeth and show you before and after photos of other patients who have had their open bite corrected with Invisalign.

To fully comprehend how Invisalign can correct your open bite, you must first comprehend how transparent aligners can straighten your teeth. Invisalign transparent aligners, unlike conventional metal braces, do not have wires attached to metal brackets. Instead, each clear aligner is made of a specially formulated plastic material that gradually shifts your teeth and jaw into place.

The transparent aligners will be custom made to suit your teeth perfectly after the 3D scan. A collection of aligners will be worn for just two weeks. Then you’ll move on to a new set of aligners with a slightly different shape than the old ones. The sets can be used to gradually move your teeth into their proper position.

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