OrthodontiCS for Children in Surrey

Implementing a preventive approach to orthodontics during the ages of 5 to 11 can significantly reduce the need for more invasive treatments later in life.

In fact, it is recommended by the Canadian Association of Orthodontists that every child undergo an initial orthodontic assessment before the age of 7. This early evaluation is crucial as it allows for the identification of potential airway or orthodontic issues that may manifest as various conditions and behaviors commonly observed in children, such as speech problems, snoring, eating difficulties, teeth grinding, and more.

If you find yourself considering orthodontic treatment for your child, there may be several reasons motivating your decision. Perhaps your family dentist or physician has advised you to seek orthodontic care, or you may have spoken with other parents whose young children are currently undergoing orthodontic treatment.

We understand that you likely have numerous questions and concerns regarding orthodontic treatment for your child. You may wonder if it’s the right time, if it’s fair to your child, what the long-term benefits are, or if it’s even necessary. We empathize with your uncertainty and are here to provide answers and guidance to address all of your inquiries.

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